O maior conquistador não é aquele que conquista grandes coisas, mas sim o que conquista as pequenas e as torna grandes!

segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2020



1 Kg de carne de porco com alguma gordura; 500grs de castanhas; 2 cabeças de dentes de alho; Sal q.b.; Ervas aromáticas: 1 raminho de alecrim, 2 folhas de louro, 1 molhinho de salsa; 1 malagueta; 2 Cravinhos; 1 copo de vinho branco; 2 colheres de banha de porco; Sal e pimenta q.b.

Como fazer? Vá, calma, é fácil e não dá assim tanto trabalho! Ora vamos lá..

Com uma faca (um garfo não dá!) é só cortar a carne em pedaços, nem muito grandes nem muito pequenos. Derreter a banha num tacho e juntar a carne. Tapar e mexa de vez e quando (pode ir vendo a novela, mas cuidado para não esturricar a carne!). Juntar as castanhaas, ervas aromáticas e a malagueta, temperar de sal e pimenta. Adicionar os cravinhos os dentes de alho cortados ao meio. Deixar apurar uns 15 minutos. Juntar o vinho branco, pode ser um vinho daqueles que abriu, provou e não gostou... e tapar. Cozinhar durante mais 40 minutos, até o molho ficar bem reduzido e os rojões ganharem uma cor bem douradinha e um pouco tostadinhos. Para acompanhar os ditos, pode optar por batatinha cozida, uma salada ou com fatias de pão, centeio ou broa de milho.



Uma delícia da gastronomia portuguesa, que permite sentir o sabor autêntico de dois produtos de excelência em Portugal, a maçã e o Vinho do Porto.

Como fazer? Primeiro deverá plantar uma macieira, não dá trabalho e daqui a uns anos terá maçãs para dar... e vender. Equanto isso, junto aí 10 maçãs, açúcar, canela em pó ou em pau e um bom Vinho do Porto.

Depois é muito simples. Na calma da manha prévia a um almoço de sábado, sinta o cheiro de uma boa maçã. Passe-as por água, de preferência tirada do poço, e com a ajuda de uma faca de cozinha retire o núcleo da maçã (caroços). Depois coloque as maçãs num recipiente que possa ir ao forno e no meio de cada uma das belas maçãs deverá, sem stress, colocar 1 colher pequena de açúcar com 1 de canela em pó ou, eu prefiro, colocar um pau de canela.

E agora vem a melhor parte! Vá, abra uma garrafa de um bom Vinho do Porto. ATENÇÃO: Não beber tudo! Guarde um bocadinho para a receita! Então, depois de abrir a garrafa e de beber um pouco (vá, ninguém vê...) é colocar um pouco de Vinho do Porto e levar ao forno durante 45 minutos a 180º.

Convém durante a cozedura ir deitando um olhito e já agora faça isto: abra o forno e irá ver que as ditas vão deitando um molho durante a cozedura, pelo que deverá deitar o mesmo em cima das maçãs, duas vezes pelo menos.

Depois? Depois é só servir quente ou frio! E se sobrou algum Vinho do Porto da garrafita, ponha-a em cima da mesa, com uns cálices... é que no fim de uma ou duas maçazitas normalmente o sabor fica na boca e um Portinho cai sempre bem!


Receita: Zeza Cruz
Foto e texto: Paulo Costa



A king who did not believe in the goodness of God, had a slave who, in all

circumstances, said: My king, do not be discouraged, because everything God
does is perfect, no mistakes!

One day they went hunting and along the way a wild animal attacked the
king. His slave managed to kill the animal, but could not prevent his
majesty losing a finger.

Furious and without showing his gratitude for being saved, the nobleman
"Is God good? If He was good, I would not have been attacked and lost my

The slave replied:
"My king, despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good,
and he knows "why" of all these things. What God does is perfect. He is
never wrong!"

Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his slave.

Later, he left for another hunt and was captured by savages who made human

In the altar, ready to sacrifice the nobleman, the savages found that the
victim had not one of his fingers, so he was released. According to them,
it was not so complete to be offered to the gods.

Upon his return to the palace, he authorized the release of his slave that
he received very affectionately.

"My dear, God was really good to me! I was almost killed by the wild men,
but for lack of a single finger, I was let go! But I have a question: if
God is so good, why did he allow me to put you in jail?"

"My King, if I had gone with you in this hunt, I would have been sacrificed
for you, because I have no missing finger, therefore, remember everything
God does is perfect. He is never wrong."

Often we complain about life, and negative things that happen to us,
forgetting that nothing is random and that everything has a purpose.

Every morning, offer your day to God, don't be in a rush.

Ask God to inspire your thoughts, guide your actions, and ease your
feelings. And do not be afraid. God is never wrong!

You know why this message is for you? I do not know, but God knows, because
he never makes mistakes.......

The path of God and his word is perfect, without impurities. He is the way
of all those who trust in Him, as he says in 2 Samuel 22: 31

What you do with this message is up to you. May God put in your heart the
desire to send it to someone. God knows why He choose you to receive this
message. Please bless someone with it.

God is never wrong and He is never late.



“Madame, it took me my entire life.”


Legend has it that Pablo Picasso was sketching in the park when a bold woman approached him.
“It’s you — Picasso, the great artist! Oh, you must sketch my portrait! I insist.”
So Picasso agreed to sketch her. After studying her for a moment, he used a single pencil stroke to create her portrait. He handed the women his work of art.
“It’s perfect!” she gushed. “You managed to capture my essence with one stroke, in one moment. Thank you! How much do I owe you?”
“Five thousand dollars,” the artist replied.
“But, what?” the woman sputtered. “How could you want so much money for this picture? It only took you a second to draw it!”
To which Picasso responded, “Madame, it took me my entire life.”




“You know you’re getting old, when Santa starts looking younger.”

“Don’t expect too much of Christmas Day. You can’t crowd into it any arrears of unselfishness and kindliness that may have accrued during the past twelve months.”

“Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want and their kids pay for it.”

To your enemy, forgiveness. 

To an opponent, tolerance. 

To a friend, your heart. 

To a customer, service. 

To all, charity. 

To every child, a good example. 

To yourself, respect. 

Oren Arnold


Christmas is forever, not for just one day, 

for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away 

like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. 

The good you do for others is good you do yourself. 

Norman W. Brooks

 At Christmas A man is at his finest towards the finish of the year; 

He is almost what he should be when the Christmas season's here; 

Then he's thinking more of others than he's thought the months before, 

And the laughter of his children is a joy worth toiling for. 

He is less a selfish creature than at any other time; 

When the Christmas spirit rules him he comes close to the sublime. 

Edgar Guest

 May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope

The spirit of Christmas which is peace; 

The heart of Christmas which is love. 

Ada V. Hendricks


Here's a dozen of my favorite things never to apologize for:

1) Never apologize for acting on your instincts.
2) Never apologize for being passionate.
3) Never apologize for being smart.
4) Never apologize for demanding respect.
5) Never apologize for saying no.
6) Never apologize for not embracing someone else's agenda.
7) Never apologize for disagreeing.
8) Never apologize for your faith.
9) Never apologize for your own sense of creativity.
10) Never apologize for ordering dessert.
11) Never apologize for being funny.
12) Never apologize for living your truth.

Every one of us casts a shadow.

There hangs about us, a sort of a strange, indefinable something, which we call personal influence--that has its effect on every other life on which it falls. It goes with us wherever we go. It is not something we can have when we want to have it--and then lay aside when we will, as we lay aside a garment. It is something that always pours out from our lives . . . as light from a lamp, as heat from flame, as perfume from a flower.

The ministry of personal influence is something very wonderful. Without being conscious of it, we are always impressing others by this strange power that exudes from us. Others watch us--and their thinking and actions are modified by our influence."

"Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity." Ephesians 5:15-16

~J. R. Miller, "The Shadows We Cast"

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